April 03, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

These past few weeks have been nothing short of eye opening. All too often we look at our days and think to ourselves “I don't have enough hours in the day”, alternating with “I’ll get to it tomorrow.” The point being…we need to focus on how we spend the time we are given. Every minute, every hour, of every day. I have a habit of choosing comfort. If I am busy, or stressed, I will do the minimum and go to bed. Not good for personal relationships. Not good for business.

Recently, I have lost two friends. Close friends whom I love. But none of the false promises or hopes for later opportunities will bring them back. My friend Kim and I took road trips and had the best adventures until her husband put her to work. Then she was too tired, or I was too busy, to get together. I promised them that I would maker dinner for them this year so we could fellowship as couples. I have a folder of beautiful photos of her animals and our trips that she never saw. I wasted time. I need to change. Now, not tomorrow.

Here's what I have determined;

Make time for things you have promised.

Make time for people you love; they could disappear in an instant.

Enjoy the moments like sunrises and sunsets.

Lend a helping hand to someone and encourage them, making time for them.

Less social media and more social. Period.

Monitor TV time.

Do what you love.

Go on the cruise, start the business, visit people. Create what inspires you.

There's time to teach, and lots of time to learn.
It will always fall on our shoulders to make the time for what matters.

At the end of the day, did you get it done? Will you regret not getting it done?

As for me, I still love to veg and relax in comfort, and avoid conflict. But I am purposing in my heart to get it done! Whatever IT is. Whoever is waiting on me to finish. Whoever is waiting on a word of love and encouragement. I cannot bring anyone back to life, but I can avoid future regrets.

How about you? Take the time, to make the time, for the things that matter most.

Sincerely yours in love,

Gail O



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