Hello There

January 26, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

I haven't introduced myself on here for a while, so I thought I'd do that again. A big warm hello to all of you. My name is Gail Ostermeyer and I'm the artist behind Gail Lynn Photography.

Me & cameraMe & camera
When my children were younger (many years ago) I understood how important stopping time and saving memories was. I would shoot for me, but later formed a business and used my passion to photograph important moments through Family, Wedding and High School Senior Photography. Recently I fell in love with newborn photography, after I realized I am not built for wedding photography anymore. It is hard on a body, and mine is getting a little older every day. It is exciting to focus on babies and families and establishing another circle of loyal clients and friends.

I spend most of my days balancing scheduling, shooting, and editing with three needy dogs, a disabled veteran hubby, our beautiful great-granddaughter and find it challenging, but fulfilling. For me, what I do is so much more than just a job, it's a way to meet and serve new moms and dads, and their families. My goal is to turn new clients into friends and faithful followers while capturing their forever memories. I get to hold, comfort and photograph sweet little babies, and toddlers and give a little encouragement to mom and dad if needed. 

Before I focused on photography, I was a high-risk OB nurse. There is nothing better than that new baby smell. Little humans are so different with their individual personalities, smiles, yawns and hiccups. This is a very special time to capture the moments and enjoy them. My education is ongoing as I strive to be a little better every time I set-up and shoot.

We live in the west valley, almost to the California border, but I welcome the invitation to photograph your family wherever you may be here in Arizona. I'd love to get to know you a little better if you want to share a little about yourself in comments.




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