Participation vs. Investment

September 22, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Firstly - I have many photos I took to go with this post, but my card reader decided not to read them. So, to keep this interesting, I will add unrelated images for you to enjoy. 

Reading: "the answers to your deepest longings" by Lysa TerKeurst and the Proverbs 31 Ministries Team.

Watching: "Living Proof" by Matt Embry, his documented journey with MS.

Listening: Elevation Worship's "Graves into Gardens album". Yes, the entire album. If you are having a hard day or need a spiritual pick-me-up, turn it on and crank it up!!!!

The dog pool was green and muddy and gross. It is early in the day, I don’t want to get dirty or wet. So as I gently pull the side of the pool down to drain, so far so good, water is coming out, I am still clean. I was participating in pool water reconstitution, but it wasn’t costing me a thing. When the water was low enough to lift the sides up and dump, again, I was directing the water to the front, where I wasn’t. Well, the water chose to come out of each side instead. Result? I am now covered in mud and pool water. I went from participating, to investing in the process of providing clean water for the dogs (and cats, and rodents, and birds) to enjoy.

Juvenile sports now reward for participation. Some schools too, passing children to the next level without the work to back it for various reasons. People get positions and ministries because they were there and available, the right age, or the right look, but they don’t really have the resume or skills to back the appointment. (Cool down, It’s word).

In Matthew 21:19 describes a fig tree that participated, but did not invest. Pretending to be a fig tree, it had leaves, but no fruit. Jesus went up to it, to get a snack, and found no fruit on it. He proceeded to speak "Let no fruit grow on thee henceforth, forever." The fig tree withered immediately. Really? It was still viable, still pretty (today’s philosophy, don’t hate on the fig tree). But no fruit is an ineffective fig tree. Taking up space. No explicit value.

We pray, but see little results because we are participating, not invested. We sing the songs, read the scriptures, but where is the sacrifice. In Matthew 17:21, and Mark 9:29, Jesus told His disciples that some demons are only cast out by prayer and fasting. Ooh, fasting (No! Not my food, sad face), an investment in the present and future.

I am guilty of trying easy. I have been cast out of my ministries, my appointments, even some of my familial roles, because I was participating in comfort, but resisted when it cost me something, or when I felt threatened, or God tested my pride.

In order to be effective and prosperous, there needs to be some healing, breaking of sallow ground, breaking of strongholds and past demons. There needs to be some sacrifice, some heart work, some investment.

217Sweet-Frenchie Pride, offense, and fear, are some of the little bugs that will steal your ability to produce good fruit. Think deep. Do you participate, or do you invest all that you have into producing the fruit God has ordained for your life?

I have to go change now. Be better. Be blessed.

Gail O



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