I don’t want to wake up with a to do list in my head, but I do. The whole purpose of rousing early and walking is to spend time with Jesus, clear my head, set my soul and prep for the day. Some days, there is so much competition up there it is distressing. Encounter for Today has auditory devotions that take the scripture of the day and expound on it, helping clear the mind and get me back on track. Then I read ‘Draw near to God’ devotions, and the day is back on a good turn.
This week is so busy, I really need to reorganize the schedule so that time is not wasted and each task is efficiently completed. I have read and established so many organizational lists and charts, but nothing stuck until block scheduling. this makes sense to me. For years I make to do list after to do list, but nothing could do it for me. I like crossing things off of lists but it wasn't productive. You actually have to take action. Now, if I do something not on the list, I write it down so I can cross it off. Yep, I'm one of those. I confess. Changing my methods is helping me defeat procrastination. Do it now. No excuses. The more you do, the more you want to do. Simple principals work. Committing everything to the Lord gives the ideas energy.
Week two block scheduling. I am up by 5:30 am. I do need to find a spot for breakfast. I still waste time, but more is getting done day to day, and the things that work, really work. Making positive changes is so rewarding, it baffles me when so many people stay stuck in non-productive, self-defeating life systems.
Dishes are finally done, and the kitchen and stove are clean. For the three hours it took me to soak and scrub and sparkle, I promised myself I will not let it get this bad ever again! Aha, more progress. So why do we keep repeating mind numbing talks over and over, fight the same battles, get irritated with the same people, without moving any rocks? Life's great mystery of human behavior repeats because you just haven’t determined it is important enough to be done. We can’t control other people, their actions, attitudes or behaviors, but we can change us. We can change how we think, what we think, what we do, and through shifting the currents, finally changing who we are.
My husband turns 74 on Sunday, so I need to order a cake and figure out how to celebrate, since he won’t leave the house. When I self quarantined for months, he went to church without me, to the store, and did all my errands. Now that I am active, he won’t leave the house, except to work. We will see what finally comes up. I can't wait!
The call to persevere is upon us. Some people are just getting by, but others are running on ahead determined to make a difference. I have been serving the Lord for 40 years and have seen many who have gotten discouraged or lazy and give up.
II Cor 4:1
Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God.
2 Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.
We all start out in church for a reason. Mom and dad made us go to church and read us all the stories. It felt good in service. A friend led us in to a service and the word took root and grew. So many things, on the other hand distract and discourage us from being consistent and faithful to the end. Matthew 10:22 tells us that only those that endure until the end shall be saved. There is some enduring to do. People will dislike us because we don't do what they do, go where they go, or think about what they think about. There is a friend that I miss with all of my heart. But she got too busy for church. Her priorities have changed. She stopped caring about how Jesus would like her to live. She doesn't like to spend time with me anymore. It doesn't matter how we started out, really. Conviction, repentance, and baptism get us right with God. What matters is that we finish well.
We do better when we surround ourselves with like people. There is a saying, if you are the smartest, strongest, or prettiest one in the room, find another room. Iron sharpens iron. Start it with the Lord, and keep it going.
Gail O.