19 days until Christmas. Even if you love the classic Christmas carols, we will be so ready to be done with them by the end of the month.
It has been cold here in the Phoenix area and those with asthma and arthritis have been struggling to stay healthy.
As I see the beautiful Christmas sessions being posted, I feel a little guilty for not offering them. However, I have thought that putting my energy to being prepared, efficient and ready for the New Year is more important at this time. Also, I have been concentrating on capturing the highlights of the life of one Lorelei Blanchard, who will be three months old soon.
Today, I think I will wane from the wedding market. It seems the new clients want high end photography with an uncle Bob budget, and do not seem to understand lighting, or appreciate the work and time involved in capturing and creating the art they see on Pinterest. You absolutely have a right to your opinion. I have a right to do what I love and be able to pay my bills. I am seeking God's will, and I love weddings, but the right clients keep eluding me.
The new year will bring headshots, and a concentration on newborns and families. With valentines Day upcoming, I may rent a studio and offer limited boudoir photography. Let me know if there is interest.
My Sunday was spent on the sofa under a comforter, staying warm and resting to prepare for the week ahead. My joints have been aggravated and I have pushed through to keep appointments and support those that need me, so today I missed church and supported me. The Lord got my time through devotion and prayer, and I offered my presence to the dogs while they played, even though we did not walk our usual 2 miles. Dishes are mostly done, after a week of stacking up there were quite a few. Menu is done and groceries ordered. My weekly schedule is a little out of alignment as I am catching up on tutorials and workshops and searching the Lord's heart on what my business looks like to Him. Because if the Lord's not in it, I don't want to waste another minute working at it! Luke 1:37 "For with God nothing is impossible." Even a photographer with Rheumatoid Arthritis glorifying God in all she does.
Have a good night and welcome the morning with a clean heart. Blessings, Gail O.